The neuroscience of spirituality
The connection between neuroscience and spirituality is a field also termed neurotheology, which was a term introduced by James Ashbrook. There are two types of Neurotheology – reductionists and religionists. Reductionists wants to reduce religion to science and religionists wants to demystify and demythologize religion without compromising its values and meanings.
How the brain functions
The brain consists of neurons and glial cells. You can call them brain cells. These neurons connect and communicate with each other through dendrites, axons and synapses functioning as gateways or ports between our neurons. We have approximately 86 billion neurons in our brain and additionally 1 billion neurons of a different character in our spinal cord. This is just as many as there are stars in the whole Milky Way. Each neuron can have about 10.000 synapses or contact ports to other neurons with an average of about 7000. That means that the typical adult brain has several hundred trillion nerve-connections in a vast network. The neurons and synapses communicate with each other through exchange of chemical substances like neurotransmitters, hormones, calcium and sodium creating electromagnetic activity but they can also communicate alone by electromagnetic activity.
The physiology of the brain
An image of the human brain and it’s divisions in various lobes.
The brain is divided into basically three regions split in two in the right and the left brain hemisphere united by the Corpus Callosum. First we have the reptile brain or brain stem extending up from the spinal cord. It controls the surroundings instinctively to identify threats and it regulates the heart rate, the breathing speed, the intestines and the blood flow and blood pressure.
Surrounding the brain stem we have the mammal brain or the emotional brain including the limbic system which regulates many things like emotions, sexual desire, thirst, hunger and brood care. In the middle we have the thalamus. The thalamus is kind of a switchyard, which distributes most sensory input, and thereby also functions as a bottleneck for how fast we react on external stimulus and how fast our consciousness in general can operate. It is also in the midbrain the hippocampus resides responsible for memory and inner vision. Hippocampus also takes up and filters information to the whole brain and plays a significant role in relation to learning. It is in the midbrain we have glands regulating various hormones like the hypothalamus playing an active role when we mature from childhood to adolescence in the teenage years.
Then we have the neocortex which is in charge of the higher complex cognitive functions. Besides being divided into the left and right brain hemisphere it is subdivided into four main regions. Here higher cognitive functions like logic, planning, humor, language and mathematical skills takes place alongside abstract thinking. It also plays a role in long term memory and retrieval of memories. Visuospatial relations and manipulation and processing of abstract objects and spatial input is being processed in the neocortex together with many sensory inputs. The parietal lobe in the neocortex plays a role in experiences of cosmic unity. The temporal lobe plays a role in spiritual and emotional delights.
The reptile brain is the oldest brain region evolutionary speaking. Then we have the mammal brain and finally the neocortex with the prefrontal cortex as our evolutionary latest achievement.
The left brain hemisphere is logical and analytical and scrutinizes details, while the right brain hemisphere is creative, controls emotions and sees wholes and work in a holistic manner. The midbrain is fast and intuitive, while the neocortex is a slow and a heavy thinking analytical apparatus.
The lower and back part of the brain looking like a ball of yarn on a picture is the ”cerebellum” playing a role in coordination but also functions as a reserve storage of extra neurons, which can be transferred to repair damages of the brain. The cerebellum also plays a role in relation to learning.
The pineal gland
In the middle of the brain resides the pineal gland, also referred to as the third eye or the sixth chakra in Hinduism. The French renaissance philosopher, René Descartes thought that the pineal gland was the seat of the soul. It has also been described as the seat of intuition. It is the only structure in the brain, which is not divided in a pair in the right and left brain hemisphere contrary to other structures like the hippocampus, thalamus and the amygdala. It’s called the pineal gland because it in shape looks like a pinecone. It also looks like the all seeing eye of Horus from Egyptian mythology. The pineal gland has some of the same physical properties as a real human eye if you cut it open and examines it. That’s why the ancient cultures referred to the pineal gland as the inner eye or the third eye.
The pineal gland gets activated by light and long periods of darkness and excretes the neurotransmitter serotonin and sleep hormone melatonin, which is playing a vital role in relation to our sleep pattern and the circadian rhythm, just like serotonin also has an important role in regulation of our mood. Depressed people typically have a low level of serotonin compared to healthy adults. But regarding spirituality it is the substance N,N-dimethyltryptamine (also named DMT), which is especially interesting. It is a substance, which is also secreted in the pineal gland. It’s a psychedelic substance found in ayahuasca, and used in South American shamanistic rituals practiced by Amazonian Indians. It has similarities to the chemical substance psilocybin, found in magic mushrooms. We have the secretion of DMT in common with mammals like rodents, and DMT has proven to have anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration properties.
By the way I don't recommend to experiment with psilocybin mushrooms.
But DMT is connected with visual dreaming but also the altered state lucid dreaming. Dr. Rick Strassman from New Mexico University has put forward scientific results showing that the pineal gland in the brain excretes a very large amount doses of DMT previous to death and in near death situations, and his hypothesis is that this should cause the phenomenon with near death experiences, where people experiences viewing themselves from outside the body or travels through a tunnel, finally meeting deceased family members. DMT is also released in a great amount in babies connected with birth. In relation to the DMT-intoxication surprisingly many test persons have told that they have seen or had experiences with creatures similar to aliens or elves popular termed machine elves. Some has experienced to be placed in a place with white clouds and angles as if they were in heaven. DMT excreted in the pineal gland is thought to facilitate the highest stages of meditation and in sexual transcendence. The pineal gland can be activated through meditation, by staying in a dark room for 300 hours, by fasting, chanting or by taking psychedelic substances like DMT, ayahuasca, LSD or mescaline.
Studies using brain scanning has shown how zenbuddhist monks excrete DMT during meditation.
There are many mystical and religious iconographic references to the pineal gland. In the Court of the Pinecone in the Vatican a gigantic figure of a pinecone is located called the ”Pigna”. It is three stories tall and is built in ancient time. Previously it was located next to the Temple of Isis in ancient Rome.
The “Pigna” inside the Court of the Pinecone in the Vatican.
The pope also carries the sacred staff with a pinecone on the top similar to the staff of Osiris, who in Egyptian mythology was God of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead, the staff of Hermes, God of transitions and boundaries in Greek mythology, and Dionysus Fennel Staff. And Dionysus is God of wine, of ritual madness, fertility, theatre and religious ecstasy.
The former Pope John Paul II with his holy staff with a pine cone imbedded.
The Vatican flag also depicts a crown shaped similar to a pinecone. Finally some believe that the title ”Holy See” is a direct reference to the third eye.
- The pineal gland is also associated with psychic abilities like clairvoyance.
- Some regard the pineal gland as a gateway to parallel universes in the multiverse theory put forward by British physicist David Deutch at Oxford University. Some think it involves the whole brain and not just the pineal gland. The multiverse theory requires quantum computing processes in the brain to function in reality and these processes have been proven by Dr. Stuart Hammeroff.
- Through the third eye we end the perception of duality. We transcend the mirage of separation. This is how we enter other dimensions like higher dimensions, which can also be described as altered states of consciousness.
- The temporal lobes have proven to be of great importance in the research of spiritual, mystical and religious experiences. This is based on the research of the temporal lobes conducted by Michael Persinger using stimulation of the temporal lobes by stimulating them with weak electromagnetic fields. Both the temporal neocortex area and the deeper lying areas like hippocampus and the amygdala plays an important role in this research.
- Since 1971 and up till today Dr. Michael Persinger conducted research using stimulation of the temporal lobes by stimulating them with weak electromagnetic fields in what he called a God helmet. It was especially in the right temporal lobe, which Persinger describes as the sense presence, the experiment created spiritual results. It creates the feeling that someone or something of an otherworldly character is present. During the evolution of our human race people developed an ability to forecast their own self dissolution during death, which caused a lot of anxiety. Here another concept emerges, which has the parameter of being infinite, forever and everywhere. Otherwise life would have an end, and if you have an end you get anxiety. There is something out there that goes on forever, and if you can somehow relate to it and be part of it, the anxiety related to death becomes a non-event. It is this concept Dr. Persinger thinks we can sense when volunteers sense the divine during electromagnetic stimulation of the right temporal lobe. Many test persons using Dr. Persingers God helmet also describes experiences of encountering ghosts, aliens and angels just like the people testing DMT. The test persons most receptive to these experiences were found to be intelligent, creative and sensitive people. In general the experience created an opiate sensation of floating, pleasantness and spinning like an out of body experience. So the temporal lobe plays an important role for people having out of body experiences.
The temporal lobes
The limbic system, mammal brain or midbrain regulates emotions and secretes hormones.
- Temporal lobe epilepsy can make the subject feel like if in a totally different reality. The epileptic seizure creates all kinds of odd and strange emotions. Dr. Vilayanur Ramachandran thinks the connections in the sensory areas in the temporal lobes and the amygdala is of special importance, since the amygdala is the gateway to the emotional center of the brain. The strength in these connections like the numbers and strengths of the synapses is what determines what is emotionally salient. The subject suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy finds all little details in their surrounding emotional salient and every little detail will be imbued with deep significance. This tendency to accredit cosmic significance to everything in your surroundings is what can be described as a mystical or spiritual experience. During these seizures the subject can also have an overt outburst of visual stimulations like appearances of heavenly nature in the form of bright lights and figures which are revered in the psyche, just like the subjects who has experienced an outburst of DMT from the pineal gland, or taking it in a pure form. The candidates (volunteers) of Dr. Persingers experiments using electromagnetic stimulation tend to experience a sense of loss of time or say, timelessness and paranormal visions and some even come face to face with spiritual Godly entities.
- It is in general accepted that we experience, sense and feel the world mainly but not only through our right brain hemisphere which then gets analyzed, categorized and put in place according to our beliefs and knowledge in the left hemisphere. Sometimes we get an experience through our right hemisphere conflicting with our beliefs and knowledge and then it often gets rewritten in our belief system in the left hemisphere. The left hemisphere tries to preserve status quo, while the right hemisphere is constantly challenging the status quo.
- In general the experiences or hallucinations with heaven, hell and God-like creatures coincide with a hyper stimulation of the limbic system or mammal brain/emotional brain and here the amygdala regulating strong emotions plays a vital role.
- The hyper-stimulation of the temporal lobe causing various visions can also manifest itself in hearing the voice of God. The Broca’s area is a brain area especially important for speech. It’s located just above the temporal lobe in the frontal lobe and it remains active during meditation and temporal lobe epileptic seizure activity. But the hippocampus often shuts down connections to other brain areas including Broca’s area during seizures, which causes a misjudgment of the internal voice, misleadingly making the subject believe that he or she receives external stimuli. The right anterior cingulate cortex which is a deeper lying area in the brain and part of the mammal brain in the front part of the brain also plays a role in hearing external stimuli and in hallucinations, but it remains silent when people imagines hearing something. This causes some to believe they are hearing the voice of God, though they do not suffer from schizophrenia.
The parietal lobe
People meditating or praying also experience a significant decrease in neural activity in the upper part of the parietal lobe – also called the superior parietal lobe – that typically controls the sense of orientation and time. That’s why the area is also phrased “the orientation association area”. The limited activity in the parietal lobe makes the brain loose its ability to differentiate between the inner self and outer world. This creates a sense of unity with the universe, a “feeling of oneness” and becoming one with the supreme force. It also creates a sensation of infinite space and thereby a feeling of infinity. The hippocampus, a part of the limbic brain in the temporal area, simply shuts down the neural gateways to other parts of the brain like the parietal cortex area.
The opposite can also happen in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Temporal lobe epilepsy happens when the neurons in the temporal lobe begins firing rapid in a random order.
The frontal lobes
The frontal lobes are active during meditation. Some meditation practitioners – especially the skilled meditators – have experienced something like an out of body experience where they forget about time and place. They feel the wonderful warmth of one-ness where you lose the sense of self and “melt” into universal consciousness. This can be referred to as a mystical or spiritual experience. Some has tried kundalini yoga and kundalini meditation and tried the powerful experience of merging all their chakras from the root chakra to the crown chakra. This can also be similar to a mystical experience.
Dr. Sara Lazar has used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques in her study of the brains of 20 subjects. They were experienced in insight meditation, which is a form of meditation centered on the internal experience. The prefrontal cortex showed to be thicker amongst the meditation practitioners than in the control group. This is because the brain can undergo neural plasticity where it develops new neurons and their various connections in a network using synaptic connections. If you train and use a brain region then it grows in size. And the prefrontal cortex is responsible for attention, focus, concentration and sensory processing besides the other complex cognitive skills. And attention, focus, concentration and the ability to filter out sensory input are essential to most types of meditation. Another Doctor, Dr. Andrew Newberg, has used single photon emission computed tomography called (SPECT) brain imaging tomography to study the blood flow in certain brain areas of experienced Tibetan Buddhist meditators during their meditation. This study showed that the frontal lobes were more active during meditation. The same brain pattern has been found in nuns during their intense prayer recitals. It was especially the left prefrontal cortex (associated with self-control, happiness and compassion) that got activated and the meditation greatly reduced activity in the amygdala – the brain’s fight or flight center.
Special concepts in neurotheology
Neurotheology focuses on concepts like:
- Altered states of consciousness
- The perception that time, fear or self-consciousness have dissolved
- Spiritual awe
- Ecstatic trance
- Sudden enlightenment
- Oneness with the universe
Altered states of consciousness and brainwaves
The brain functions in brainwaves caused by the electrical activity in the brain stemming from the chemical releases of neurotransmitters, hormones, calcium and sodium ions in our neural network.
An altered state of consciousness appears, when the brain experiences brainwaves out of the normal waking awareness range. The regular brainwaves in normal awaking awareness are beta waves ranging from 13 and 30 hertz or cycles per second. This is one of four main brainwaves, which the typical brain usually produces.
The slowest brainwaves are delta brainwaves which occurs during total unconsciousness and deep, dreamless sleep. They run with between 0 and 4 cycles per second also called hertz.
Then we have Theta brainwaves in the range between 4 and 7 Hz. They appear when we are daydreaming, fantasizing, uses our imagination, have ideas, and create inspirational thinking. The most thoughtful experiences occur at the theta level but it is also at this level, one is able to experience astral travel and psychic communication, achieve enlightenment, and enter into other dimensions. Lucid dreaming appears in the delta and theta brainwave range between 0 and 7 hertz. It’s the experience of having awaking consciousness in a dream state and being able to control your dreams consciously. You can do Tibetan Dream Yoga to practice lucid dreaming.
The third type of brainwaves is alpha brain waves happening between 8 and 12 cycles per second. They are the prominent brainwaves in adults who are
awake but relaxed with eyes closed.
Psychic experiences can happen in the alpha state and as I mentioned above the pineal gland seems to play a role in psychic abilities. Both daydreaming and sleep dreaming occur while in the alpha state.
The Jhanas in Buddhist traditions: Characterized by peacefulness and sublime joy in a meditative state of deep absorption. They are the stepping stones towards enlightenment and appear in the range of alpha, theta and delta brainwaves between 0 and 14 cycles per second.
Then we have beta brainwaves typically lying in the range between 12 and 30 cycles per second. As mentioned before this is the typical pattern in awaking consciousness. Beta waves occur in individuals who are attentive and alert to external stimuli or exert specific mental effort. Beta waves also occur during deep rapid eye movement sleep or REM sleep.
Finally we have a fifth type of brainwaves called the gamma brainwaves occurring in cycles between 31 and 120 per second. Gamma brain waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude. They are associated with the “feeling of blessings” reported by experienced meditators such as monks and nuns, and with peak concentration and extremely high levels of cognitive functioning. Neuroscientists believe that gamma waves are able to link information from all parts of the brain – the gamma wave originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the brain to the front and back again 40 times per second. This interestingly corresponds to the typical cycles per second or hertz for regular people experiencing gamma brain waves. This rapid “full sweep” action makes the gamma state one of peak mental and physical performance. Gamma is the brainwave state of being “in the Zone,” that feeling that you can do anything.
A study of some of the best Tibetan Buddhist meditation practitioners has shown that they have a higher gamma synchrony during awaking consciousness than other people – around 80-100 hertz against the average person who produces gamma waves of around 40 hertz. This was in the morning. When they began meditating they were able to raise their gamma synchrony above 100 hertz. They were able to raise the amplitude of their brainwaves into a higher level of gamma brainwaves, creating an altered state of consciousness. One hertz correlates to a conscious moment per second also called bing. This means that 100 hertz corresponds to 100 conscious moments per second which is very high. And an altered state of consciousness can also be a spiritual or mystical experience. This proves, that there are more to intelligence than simply conducting various complex and challenging tasks at a fast speed. Improved awareness and the ability to relax and focus could add to your overall intellectual capabilities and improve your quality of life. People with very high levels of gamma activity are exceptionally intelligent, compassionate and happy. Compassion comes from a feeling of one-ness with all creation. This is the “feeling of blessings” and ecstasy that accompanies high levels of gamma brainwave activity. The study of monks proved that the focus on compassion especially produced gamma waves in a rhythmic and coherent pattern. So maybe the feeling of compassion makes our brain “fire” at the rhythm of universal consciousness.
Out of body and near death experiences: Some spiritual practitioners believe that the spirit is experiencing the astral plane during the out of body and near death experiences. These experiences appear with theta brainwaves between 4 and 7 cycles per second between and with beta brainwaves above 22 Hz and gamma waves with a low frequency and high amplitude between 30 and 40 hertz. These experiences are also connected to activation of the right temporal lobe.
The perception that time, fear or self-consciousness have dissolved
This is a common experience within the mystical traditions. Dr. James Austin is an American neuro scientist and practitioner of Zen Buddhism. He had a spiritual experience in a train station on the way to a Zen Buddhist retreat. His sense of individual existence and of separateness from the physical world around him evaporated like morning mist in a bright dawn. He saw things "as they really are," he recalls. The sense of "I, me, mine" disappeared. He described it like this:
"Time was not present. I had a sense of eternity. My old yearnings, loathing’s, fear of death and insinuations of selfhood vanished. I had been graced by a comprehension of the ultimate nature of things."
He investigated the experience and concluded that a few brain regions must be damped or go quiet.
The amygdala, which regulates fear and fight-or-flight response, must have a decreased activity. The parietal lobe which regulates your orientation in space and is in charge of creating the distinction between self and the world must remain silent and some areas in the frontal and temporal lobe which regulates the perception of time and self-awareness must be interrupted. Then we lose the sense of self as I mentioned above. The hippocampus also plays a role in administering the information and connectivity to higher cognitive brain regions like cutting of the connection or diminishing the connection to the frontal, parietal and temporal lobe in the neocortex.
Spiritual awe
We can all experience a sensation of awe when confronted with a magnificent nature site like Grand Canyon in the United States or the Victoria Falls in Africa. First of all it makes us feel small and secondly we begin questioning how the thing that made us feel this way arose.
A study carried out by the two psychologist, Piercarlo Valdesolo and Jesse Graham, revealed that people who had just seen videos of awe inspiring grand nature or surreal nature scenes was more likely to regard the sense of the universe to unfold according to a masterplan when they had to guess if a pattern of numbers was arranged by humans or if it was computer generated. Images of nature made people believe that the subsequenty numbers was arranged by humans and not computers.
“Awe makes people want to see events as the result of design,” Piercarlo Valdesolo says. “That could be God or humans, depending on context.”
And if you are an atheist experiencing a moment of awe, you might relate it to the magnificence of the universe. If you are a Christian you could think of it as Gods creation. And the two concepts are perhaps the same.
All awe contains a slight element of fear or at least vulnerability.
I can explain the anatomy of real fear which is related to awe, just on a more subtle basis. Fear is again controlled by our emotional or mammal brain. The amygdala registers in a split second danger and is in charge of the fight-or-flight response. The body goes into an alert state and the amygdala signals to the hypothalamus which releases the neurotransmitter adrenalin activating the sympathetic autonomous nervous system. The stress hormone Cortisol is also released through the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the adrenals. The heart beats faster, the blood pressure raises and the liver releases stored sugar and fat to the blood stream. Now the body is ready for a massive energy burst and the frightened person experiences a disturbed stomach, nausea and a dry mouth.
This is fear.
Spiritual awe is not extreme fear but fear in all its manifestations co-releases a myriad of various neurotransmitters, hormones and chemical substances in the brain, and though adrenalin and cortisol might play a less significant role in spiritual awe the amygdala probably still plays a role in orchestrating these lesser known chemical substances.
Ultimately spiritual awe is probably more connected to the emotion of anxiety and here it is the neurotransmitter noradrenaline that plays the major role in activation of anxiety going through the nervous system of the amygdala.
Sudden enlightenment and oneness with the universe
This is wisdom passed on from all the old mystical, spiritual and philosophical tradition from native Indian Americans to the Vedas and Upanishads from the Hindu tradition and Zenbuddhism. This is also called Nirvana or wind. It has even been proven to be a scientific truth by theoretical physicians from the theory of quantum mechanics and the concept of entanglement. The American popular science writer, Gregg Braden, writes that entanglement can be traced back to the single point that existed just previous to the big bang 13.8 billion years ago. And from then on we have all being connected with everything in the universe through entanglement. It can be achieved if the person is skilled in deep meditation causing the state ”hyperquiescnece”. Then the mind goes into a complete state of tranquility and a serene mind. Here the person gets control of the right brain hemisphere which normally tries to feed the whole brain with sensory inputs and other inputs. The left brain hemisphere takes over and especially the prefrontal lobe in the left side gets activated and receives an increased blood flow. The hippocampus blocks the connections to the parietal and temporal lobe and the neocortex in especially the right brain hemisphere. And especially the limited activity in the right superior parietal lobe associated with orientation creates the sensation of being one with the universe.
Some characterize the universe as a thought essence of a single living awareness that always has been and always will be. Many mystics describe this eternal singular consciousness as love or compassion.
That is also why Christians says that “thou shalt love your neighbor as yourself.”
Today some consciousness scientists believe that consciousness exist outside the human body and even outside the atmosphere of Earth. Consciousness is here, there and everywhere. This is related to cosmic consciousness.
Ecstatic trance
Ecstatic trance coincides with large quantities of encephalin which is a neurotransmitter and opiate modulating pain. The opiate receptors in the amygdala, also receives an increased stimulation. This occurs especially during activation of or stimulation of the right temporal lobe. This neural network stimulation from the temporal lobe to the limbic system causes euphoria and rapture.You can create a mystical or spiritual experience through an extensive sensory stimulation during dancing, chanting hymns or prayers. People trying a spiritual or mystical experience during Samsara dancing in Copenhagen have tried excessive arousal of their limbic system and emotional brain which results in a heightened religious experience. Their hippocampus simply shuts down the higher cognitive areas and they let their emotional or mammal brain take over. Also many people experiencing an ecstatic trance during a shamanistic ritual have seen a spiral. These spirals can be found in caves dating back 37.000 years ago.
A dancing community trying to achieve ecstatic trance in a mountain area.
What’s the evolution of spirituality?
For many people in the western world the word spirituality has a distant or strange connotation to it. We have separated our self from the divine and nature itself and we are more preoccupied with material goods, professional success and self-realization. But the neuroscientists now know that our brain is designed to achieve spiritual and religious experiences. The so-called new age communities still exist but are often regarded as unworldly hippies that makes the majority either smile or shrug in The West.
Now the big question is if we in the future will continue to pursue a material life with emphasis on technological development or if the world will see the additional development of new communities trying to live a more spiritual life with emphasis on Gaia theory and sustainable holistic problem solving of the big crises we as humanity are moving towards.
Tom Lasse Virik
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